Cosmote Romania

Cosmote Romania

The mobile companies use area codes starting with 7: 71 for Romtelecom, 72 and 73 for Vodafone Romania (previously branded as Connex), 74 and 75 for Orange Romania (previously branded as Dialog), 76 for Cosmote Romania (previously branded as Cosmorom), 77 for RCS&RDS, 78 for Zapp Mobile, etc.Free phone numbers start with 800 (like 0-800-xxx-xxx ). Strangely, some companies to whom a numbering class is allocated may not grant toll-free access to those numbers for other networks. Therefore, sometimes a "toll-free" number is advertised as "toll free only within some operator". Some 08pp codes are used for various services, like:

Cosmote Romania

Web Site
Cosmote Romania - Romania - Europe Phones
Cosmote Romania - Romania - Europe Phones
Cosmote Romania Europe
Cosmote Romania 2024
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